Milcombe 5th Feb

Milcombe 5th Feb

11.00 - 13.00
Mealy redpoll 1
Lesser redpoll 10+
Treecreeper 1
GS wood 2
Yellowhammer 1

- Mealy Redpoll 5th March
Mealy Redpoll still coming to feeders in Milcombe garden this morning. Viewable from footpath SP.409.348 Photo's at

- Milcombe Mealy 25th February
Mealy Redpoll still present at feeders with 12 lesser + 2 yellowhammer, 1 reed bunting. SP409348. Richard Hazel...

- Milcombe 14th Feb
Post Mega Dove I went to check on the Super Mealy. It wasn't there but one of the browner Mealies was. Also (only) 1 Lesser Redpoll, 1 Yellowhammer, 1 Treecreeper and 2 Marsh tits. Gareth...

- Milcombe 10th Feb
The 'Super' Mealy Redpoll still present at Milcombe 10:35am (per Pete Barker)...

- Milcombe 6th Feb
Mealy Redpoll 3 Lesser Redpoll 12 but no interesting doves at Chippy...

