Kennington: River Thames: 7th May

Kennington: River Thames: 7th May

Kennington: River Thames
Spotted Crake: Still calling from same location as previously.

Joe Harris

- Moulsford 13th May
River Thames nr Moulsford Cuckoo: Calling from the island nr 4-arches bridge. Presumably the same bird, calling all afternoon and still calling at 19:00. SU595849. 14:45. Mike Amphlett...

- Kennington: River Thames: 2nd May
Kennington: River Thames Spotted Crake: male. Spotted Crake singing again tonight. Steve Roby...

- Kennington: River Thames: 1st May
Kennington: River Thames Spotted Crake: m. Calling/song heard from Heyford Hill Lane at 22:35 for over 5 mins. Gareth Blockley...

- Kennington Spotted Crake
Matthew Foster heard a Spotted Crake singing last night in Kennington at the "Preservation Field" which from his description is about here. ...

- Thames 6th March
Belated report of Garganey River Thames Cherwell to Kennington (per RBA)...

