Kennington: River Thames: 2nd May

Kennington: River Thames: 2nd May

Kennington: River Thames
Spotted Crake: male. Spotted Crake singing again tonight.

Steve Roby

- Kennington: River Thames: 1st May
Kennington: River Thames Spotted Crake: m. Calling/song heard from Heyford Hill Lane at 22:35 for over 5 mins. Gareth Blockley...

- Kennington Spotted Crake
It's singing again this evening & can be heard from the end of Heyford Hill Lane in Sandford-on-Thames or from the Kennington side Gnome & Steve Roby Some video of it singing (c) Gnome...

- Kennington: River Thames: 28th April
Kennington: River Thames Spotted Crake: Calling repeatedly from the east side of the river, just south of the old railway bridge. Best place to hear it from is the location shown in the initial report posted earlier today. Joe Harris...

- Kennington Spotted Crake
Matthew Foster heard a Spotted Crake singing last night in Kennington at the "Preservation Field" which from his description is about here. ...

- Thames 6th March
Belated report of Garganey River Thames Cherwell to Kennington (per RBA)...

