Kennington: River Thames: 1st May

Kennington: River Thames: 1st May

Kennington: River Thames
Spotted Crake: m. Calling/song heard from Heyford Hill Lane at 22:35 for over 5 mins.

Gareth Blockley

- Kennington: River Thames: 7th May
Kennington: River Thames Spotted Crake: Still calling from same location as previously. Joe Harris...

- Kennington: River Thames: 2nd May
Kennington: River Thames Spotted Crake: male. Spotted Crake singing again tonight. Steve Roby...

- Sandford-on-thames: 30th April
Sandford-on-Thames Spotted Crake: Still singing at 2215 in small marsh to left of Heyford Hill Lane just before railway bridge. Bird is favouring centre of marsh, 100 yards from roadside. It's best to park in housing estate at start of Heyford Hill...

- Kennington Crake (april 30th, 21:05 - 21:30)
Spotted Crake heard, despite 4(!) party boats slowly steaming past. Heard from Kennington side, bird is present on the opposite side and could probably be heard from the end of Heyford Hill Lane as well. Dave Lowe & Terry Sherlock...

- Kennington Spotted Crake
It's singing again this evening & can be heard from the end of Heyford Hill Lane in Sandford-on-Thames or from the Kennington side Gnome & Steve Roby Some video of it singing (c) Gnome...

