Kennington Spotted Crake

Kennington Spotted Crake

Matthew Foster heard a Spotted Crake singing last night in Kennington at the "Preservation Field" which from his description is about here.

- Kennington: River Thames: 7th May
Kennington: River Thames Spotted Crake: Still calling from same location as previously. Joe Harris...

- Kennington: River Thames: 1st May
Kennington: River Thames Spotted Crake: m. Calling/song heard from Heyford Hill Lane at 22:35 for over 5 mins. Gareth Blockley...

- Kennington Crake (april 30th, 21:05 - 21:30)
Spotted Crake heard, despite 4(!) party boats slowly steaming past. Heard from Kennington side, bird is present on the opposite side and could probably be heard from the end of Heyford Hill Lane as well. Dave Lowe & Terry Sherlock...

- Kennington: River Thames: 28th April
Kennington: River Thames Spotted Crake: Calling repeatedly from the east side of the river, just south of the old railway bridge. Best place to hear it from is the location shown in the initial report posted earlier today. Joe Harris...

- Radley 3rd Sept - Spotted Crake!
SPOTTED CRAKE at Radley GP. Found early afternoon by Leo Bateman the bird was showing very well on and off in the N/E corner of the small ash pit to at least 3.20p.m. Access via Thrupp Lane. Also present: 3 Greenshank, 3 Green Sandpiper, 1 Yellow-legged...

