Good News For Buzzards

Good News For Buzzards

It looks as if the Buzzard issue has been sensibly resolved at least for the present so well done to the powers that be for listening and acting in the interests of this marvellous bird and the countryside in general.
Thought i'd post a picture of a Yellowhammer celebrating the good news today at Stanford-in-theVale.

- Editorial Policy On Oxon Birding Blog
In the light of the number of comments on the recent Marcham Garden posting we (Badger & Gnome) reluctantly feel that we need to step in to state the official position of Oxon Birding. It was originally set up due to dis-satisfaction with the available...

- Port Meadow 1st Novermber: American Golden Plover!
A juvenile American Golden Plover was in amongst the usual golden plover flock late afternoon today. Unfortunately it was found too late to get the news out before dark so let's hope that it sticks around longer than the last one. Record shot digiscoped...

- Bearded Tits Saturday 20th
At 4.20pm, one flew up briefly near the "Conservation Area" sign just east of the first screen. Others thought they had 4 between there and screen around 5.30pm. No calls heard at any time, despite perfect calm listening conditions. Same time c5500 starlings...

- Punks
I am attempting to post on the blog and to this end I will upload a couple of photos I snapped tuesday of the Aston Waxwings. This follows several unsuccessful attempts to use the blog and after telling i've published successfully the post disappears...

- Port Meadow 18th October: Lesser Yellowlegs Fly-over
The yellowlegs flew low over the floods at 08:55 before circling off high to the South so it's still kicking around the county somewhere. I've also had more news on the sighting yesterday evening which appears to be genuine. Also 3 dunlin c. 100...

