Port Meadow 1st Novermber: American Golden Plover!

Port Meadow 1st Novermber: American Golden Plover!

A juvenile American Golden Plover was in amongst the usual golden plover flock late afternoon today. Unfortunately it was found too late to get the news out before dark so let's hope that it sticks around longer than the last one.

Record shot digiscoped video footage of the bird (c) Gnome

The plover flock presently generally favours the shallower flooded area in the north east corner of the floods, best viewed by looking north from the gate into Burgess Field NR. Alternatively they often settle opposite the gate on the west (river) side of the floods. They are usually very flighty so should only be viewed from a distance. Good luck to all those going at first light tomorrow!

- Port Meadow: 10th May
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- Port Meadow 22nd March P.m
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