Port Meadow 18th October: Lesser Yellowlegs fly-over

Port Meadow 18th October: Lesser Yellowlegs fly-over

The yellowlegs flew low over the floods at 08:55 before circling off high to the South so it's still kicking around the county somewhere. I've also had more news on the sighting yesterday evening which appears to be genuine.

3 dunlin
c. 100 golden plover
good numbers of wigeon, teal and shoveler

- Port Meadow 27th October: Lesser Yellowlegs Still
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- Port Meadow Tuesday 26th October: Lesser Yellowlegs Still
1 lesser yellowlegs 2 ruff 2 or 3 dunlin several hundred golden plover good numbers of wigeon, teal & shoveler gull roost of a couple of thousand black-headed gulls Ruff photo (c) Steve Burch...

PORT MEADOW Up to 1100 am Lesser Yellowlegs 1 Common Redshank 1 Little Stint 1 Dunlin 3 Golden Plover 27 Ruff 1 Common Snipe 3 Lapwing 35 Wigeon 454 Shoveler 7 Teal n/c ChiffChaff 1...

- Lesser Yellowlegs
The Port Meadow Lesser Yellowlegs, October 2010 (c) Nigel Forrow All Records of Lesser Yellowlegs in Oxon 2010 Port Meadow, juvenile 14th Oct to 8th Nov. Adam Hartley1999 Otmoor, 25th May. Jason Gosler1998 Otmoor, adult, 29th Aug to 5th Sep. (British...

- Past County Rarities
Write-ups of Past County Rarities: click on the link below for details. More to follow soon! Lesser YellowlegsFranklin's GullBonaparte's GullBuff-bellied PipitSurf ScoterRed-rumped SwallowBaikal TealLesser Scaup Port Meadow Lesser Yellowlegs (c)...

