Past County Rarities
Write-ups of Past County Rarities: click on the link below for details. More to follow soon!

Port Meadow Lesser Yellowlegs (c) Steve Burch. See the write-up for more info.
Cothill Lesser Spotted Success
The Cothill Reserves are full of perfect Lesser Pecker habitat, but no luck over past couple of years. So I followed the BBOWT 'new' leafleted 'Cothill Fen Wild Walk' linking route today and found success at this location. Pick up the...
Lesser Emperor At Standlake
Apologies for the non-ornithological news but bird of the day this afternoon at LWV Pit 60 was this Lesser Emperor (poor record shot above). It did a couple of fly-bys past the southern hide but wasn't seen again during the following hour. As far...
Port Meadow 3rd November
1 lesser yellowlegs (for 21st day!), 1 redshank, 2 ruff, 5 dunlin, lots of goldies, 2 yellow-legged gulls, 1 peregrine, Photo (c) Steve Burch...
Portmeadow & Dix Pit, Sat 16 October
Portmeadow: Lesser Yellowlegs to 11.30 at least Lesser Whitethroat in the hedge between the Meadow and the allotments Dix: 1 Brambling over 1 Pintail 1 Goldeneye 1 YL Gull...
Lesser Yellowlegs
The Port Meadow Lesser Yellowlegs, October 2010 (c) Nigel Forrow All Records of Lesser Yellowlegs in Oxon 2010 Port Meadow, juvenile 14th Oct to 8th Nov. Adam Hartley1999 Otmoor, 25th May. Jason Gosler1998 Otmoor, adult, 29th Aug to 5th Sep. (British...