Lesser Emperor at Standlake

Apologies for the non-ornithological news but bird of the day this afternoon at LWV Pit 60 was this Lesser Emperor (poor record shot above). It did a couple of fly-bys past the southern hide but wasn't seen again during the following hour. As far as I'm aware it's the fourth for the county. Called by Geoff Wyatt who also found the first two! No sign of yesterday's scarcer Terns or Godwits.
Otmoor: 7th July
Turtle dove purring on the north side of Ashgrave. 12 Little Egrets on Big Otmoor and Ashgrave. Marsh Harrier 2 (1 over Ashgrave) 1 Hobby Water Rail (h) Kingfisher on southern reedbed. Grasshopper Warbler (h) Lesser Whitethroat 1 Spotted Flycatcher News...
Farmoor 7th May - Spotted Sandpiper
Dai John found a Spotted Sandpiper on F2, along the east shore at around 10:15 a.m. This is the first record since July 1990. It was seen briefly on several occasions after Dai first found it though it would continually flush when a car or walker went...
Bernwood 21st July
Crossbill 2+ Yellow Wagtail Marsh Tit Purple Emperor 8+ (along the main track from the car park 10:45-14:30) White Admiral Silver-washed Fritillary 6+ Emperor Dragonfly Brown Hawker Southern Hawker...
Farmoor Yesterday And Today
juv Arctic Tern; a poor effort in the gloom
At Farmoor yesterday evening:
1 juv Arctic Tern
5 (2 juv, 3 ad) Common Terns
1 Greenshank
1 juv Dunlin
c20 Y-l Gulls
4 GB-b Gulls
1 juv Common Gull
c30 Yellow Wags
Geoff and Roger Wyatt have...
Lesser Scaup
Lesser Scaup: 12th November – 28th December 1994 Back in the 1990s I regularly watched the Edward Richardson Reserve on the northern edge of Lechlade, just over the border in Gloucestershire. It constituted two main pools, one with extensive dead trees...