Bearded Tits Saturday 20th

Bearded Tits Saturday 20th

At 4.20pm, one flew up briefly near the "Conservation Area" sign just east of the first screen. Others thought they had 4 between there and screen around 5.30pm. No calls heard at any time, despite perfect calm listening conditions. Same time c5500 starlings had just gone to roost - too early for the Sparrowhawk and then another 500 came in afterwards! Good numbers of wildfowl on the shooting range where 3.55pm Peregrine pass seemed to be unsuccessful. Couple of Ravens perched in 'electrified field'.

- Otmoor 13th Dec Pm
Bearded Tit (per Steve Roby) Peregrine 1 Sparrowhawk 1 Kingfisher 1 Raven 2 Snipe 17+ in front of first screen est 40k starlings in roost. Most filtered straight down into reeds though. ...

- Otmoor 2nd December
Between 35000 and 40000 Starlings coming in to roost. All over by 3.45 If you are going to see it don't turn up at 3.30 and wonder why you don't see anything. Reports from Saturday of 8 Bearded Tits in reedbed and beside track to first screen....

- Otmoor August 28th - Evening
Marsh Harrier - male and female roosted in the reed bed Greenshank - 1 Greenaways Shelduck - 1 flying over Greenaways Yellow Wagtail - good numbers following cattle around the reserve. 55 seen going to roost Water Rail 2 Sparrowhawk 1 perched on far spit,...

- Otmoor 16th October
Bearded Tits still present this evening 18:10 in the northern end of the reed bed (heard only) (Badger) No sign this morning 07:45-11:30 in very windy conditions (per Terry Sherlock) Still no sign by 2p.m (per Barry Batchelor) Belated news from the Otmoor RSPB...

- Otmoor 15th November
Short-eared Owl 5 (together over The Closes.Singles seen over Ashgrave and Car park field so possibly 7 birds) (per Nick Suckling) Hen Harrier 2 (both Ringtails) A pair of Ringtails seen in front of second screen and then over reedbed and boundary hedge...

