Otmoor 16th October

Otmoor 16th October

Bearded Tits still present this evening 18:10 in the northern end
of the reed bed (heard only)

No sign this morning 07:45-11:30 in very windy conditions (per Terry Sherlock)
Still no sign by 2p.m (per Barry Batchelor)

Belated news from the Otmoor RSPB team of six or seven
Bearded Tits in the southern end of the reedbeds yesterday (15th) in the afternoon.

- Otmoor Thursday 21 January
Belated report of 2 Bearded Tits on Tuesday 19th in the reed beds. (per Adrian Tysoe) Water Rail skating on thin ice                                Bittern: (2nd screen). ...

- Otmoor. 16th. February.
Late afternoon, when the rain finally stopped; White Fronted Geese.   3. Peregrine.      2. Marsh Harrier.     1, probably 2. Sparrow Hawk.    2 views. Snipe.    ...

- Otmoor 28th December
                                3 Bewick's - Flew off towards Charlton on Otmoor around 15:45                   ...

- Otmoor 25th February
Bittern over the reed beds this morning photo & news courtesy of Terry Sherlock Ruff 2+ (Big Otmoor)CurlewRedpoll (on feeders)                               ...

- Otmoor 26th October
The Bearded Tits were still present yesterday, though only heard calling from the centre of the reedbed by Gareth Luscombe and our Tuesday volunteer team. Also on the reserve are: 150 Wigeon - hide 200 Lapwing - hide 1 Green Sandpiper - Greenaways 200+...

