Friday 14th Berinsfield to Drayton Road

Friday 14th Berinsfield to Drayton Road

8.00am 3 Mutes
4.15pm 6 Bewicks and 18 Mute (including 1x1st winter)

Thursday 13th Benson Lock/Benson
GC Grebe 2a and 1x1stW
Mallard 9 pairs
Brambling 1m with 5 Chaffinch in ash trees opposite keepers house
Treecreeper heard in keepers house car park
Grey heron 2 on banks
Red Kite 3

- Little Bourton 22nd Nov
Belated report of a Short-eared Owl Little Bourton near the old lock keepers cottage on Saturday 22nd (per Tim Clark) no sign yesterday. But 2 Barn Owls (per Gareth Blockley)...

- Sunday 23rd January: Waxwings
20+ waxwings in Wootton still along the main Abingdon to Cumnor Road approx. 600m north of the Hungry Horse restaurant (per the Wickster) BBOWT Dry Sandford Pit reserve, Cothill: 13 waxwings initially found feasting on the large apple tree at the entrance...

- Waxwings 19th January
15+ Waxwings again on Drayton Road leaving Abingdon in trees on right just before layby opposite road to Oday hill 11.30a.m (per John Hardie) 10+Waxwings 8.25-8.35a.m Pheasant Walk Littlemore Oxford. (Further up the road from previous sightings). (per...

- Times (?) For Bewick's At Berinsfield/drayton S. L.
As I am commuting past, I looked to grab a county tick on the cropped field, with Mute Swan herd, south of the connecting road between. Thursday 6th: 8.10am - 5a & 1c Mute; 8.20am - 9a & 1c Mute and 11 Canada Geese; 4.50pm 5a & 1c Mute (1a...

- Catch Up
Thursday 3oth Dec 2.35pm Single Egyptian Goose flying south, before descending clockwise to the Thames between South Stoke and Goring.3pm White-fronted Geese flock in field north of South Stoke village, between B4009 and Railway line. 4pm Benson Lock:...

