Little Bourton 22nd Nov

Little Bourton 22nd Nov

Belated report of a Short-eared Owl Little Bourton near the old lock keepers cottage on Saturday 22nd
(per Tim Clark) no sign yesterday.
But 2 Barn Owls (per Gareth Blockley)

- Upper Cherwell Valley: 5th September
Tree Pipit 3 Spotted Flycatcher 8 Tree Sparrow between Cropredy and Little Bourton early afternoon. (Tim Clark) ...

- Otmoor 16th Feb Evening
Car park field: 1 barn owl, 2 short eared owls - seen from 5:40pm 2 water rail heard...

- Otmoor 7th February.
2 Short-eared Owls (hunting) 1 Ringtail Harrier Stoneshank Grey Plover (Big Otmoor) 13 Ruff 12 (Ashgrave and 1 on big otmoor) 3 Black-tailed Godwit (over Big Otmoor) Peter Coombes 2 ringtail Hen Harriers flying together down eastern edge of Greenaways...

- Belated Spoonbill
Received a belated report today of a Spoonbill, present last Saturday (28th May) on the small pools to the west of Mackney Lane, Brightwell-cum-Sotwell. No sign since....

- Goingbirding: 22nd February
22nd February 100 Waxwing: SU490974. 22nd February 20 Waxwing: SU490974. 22nd February 45 Waxwing: SU490974. (Abingdon Gainsborough Green/Albert Park area). Dave Godfrey...

