Times (?) for Bewick's at Berinsfield/Drayton S. L.

Times (?) for Bewick's at Berinsfield/Drayton S. L.

As I am commuting past, I looked to grab a county tick on the cropped field, with Mute Swan herd, south of the connecting road between.
Thursday 6th: 8.10am - 5a & 1c Mute; 8.20am - 9a & 1c Mute and 11 Canada Geese; 4.50pm 5a & 1c Mute (1a on north side of road).
Friday 7th: 4.20pm , 8a & 1c Mute and 6a Bewick's.

- Shifford 7th Jan
15 Egyptian Geese 120 Mute Swan (single herd) ...

- Dorchester 5th Jan 1.45 P.m
The 6 Bewick's Swans were still with Mute Swans in the field next to the road to Drayton st.leonard this afternoon. 10 Common gull and 2 Goldeneye on Drayton pit....

Six Bewick's swans still in field beside road to Drayton St. Leonard. Two Goldeneye at Drayton Road pit One redhead Smew seen at Allen pit, along with numerous Wigeon and Coot, plus Tufted Ducks, Gadwall, Great Crested Grebe, Cormorant and Mute...

- Radley Lakes Saturday 18th December
A quick trip to Radley before the snow set in (or so I thought); in the end visibility quite poor on Thrupp Lake and most birds look the same when sat huddled together and covered in snow! But managed to get the following: 1 Bewick's swan (flew off...

- Shifford Bewick's 16th Dec
The 8 Bewick's Swans still present at Shifford at 11:30a.m near the church along the minor road to Cote. Amongst the Mute Swan flock. (per Dave Lowe) You can't have too many swan photo's! (c) Gnome ...

