Farmoor 2nd June

Farmoor 2nd June

3 Common Scoter on F1 per Dai
still present at 16:22

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- Farmoor Reservoir 13th December
Distant Common Scoter please view at 720p HD 2 Common Scoter (fem) still present along the northern end of F1 at dusk Red-necked Grebe along western side of F1 this afternoon 2 Great Northern Diver still in the N/E corner of F2 at dusk and showing well...

- Farmoor 15th July
Common Scoter (f) still present this morning on F2 (per Dai) The Insomniac Birder...

- Farmoor 14th July
Photo courtesey of Dai The Insomniac BirderPhoto courtesey of Peter Law Female Common Scoter on F2 per Dai still present this evening + 2 Dunlin Sent from my iPhone...

- Famoor (aug 3rd)
Dai - nice find on the scoter - thanks. Only the drake still present when i left at 9:45. Yellow Wag - 2 Common Sand - 5 Redshank - 1 YLGull -at least 3...

- Farmoor 27th June
5 Common Scoter at Farmoor at 14:45 on F2 best viewed from the 'Bus Stop' at the southern end of F2. +2 Silver-washed Fratillary (per Dai) 3 m and 2 f Still present on F2 at 8pm (per Dave Lowe) ...

