Famoor (Aug 3rd)

Famoor (Aug 3rd)

Dai - nice find on the scoter - thanks. Only the drake still present when i left at 9:45.
Yellow Wag - 2
Common Sand - 5
Redshank - 1
YLGull -at least 3

- Farmoor Sept 11th (08:00 - 09:30)
House Martin - hundreds Swallow - 2 Sand Martin - 4 Yellow Wagtail - 7 Wheatear - 1juv Common Sandpiper - 1 on east bank of F2 Dunlin - 2 YLGull - 2 GBBGull - 1ad...

- Farmoor 23rd September
Yellow Wagtail - 2 Common Sand - 2 (also via Richard Catling) YLGull - 3 Swallow - 12 Whitethroat / Blackcap / Chiffchaff Meadow Pipit - few over....

- Farmoor (sept 5th) 8 - 10:45am.
Black Tern - 4 (1adult) (F1) Black Necked Grebe - 1 on western edge of F1 Dunlin - 2 YLGull - 2ads House Martin - several hundred but most had gone through by 10:30 Sand Martin - hundred or so but left with the HMartins Swallow - perhaps 20. Swift...

- Farmoor (aug 4th 14:00 - 15:30)
Common Scoter - 1 drake until about 3pm when it flew west YLG - 1 Yellow Wagtail - 4 Greenshank - 1(h) Dunlin - 2 Common tern - 10+ (Dave, Tom, Dai)...

- Port Meadow 7pm
1 Wood Sand 1 Green Sand 2 Common Sand 1 LRP 2 Ringed Plover 1 Redshank 1 Oystercatcher 4 Yellow Wags 2 Garganey (Pair)...

