Farmoor (Sept 5th) 8 - 10:45am.

Farmoor (Sept 5th) 8 - 10:45am.

Black Tern - 4 (1adult) (F1)
Black Necked Grebe - 1 on western edge of F1
Dunlin - 2
YLGull - 2ads
House Martin - several hundred but most had gone through by 10:30
Sand Martin - hundred or so but left with the HMartins
Swallow - perhaps 20.
Swift - 1
Hobby - 1 flew SW at 10:33
Yellow Wagtail - approx 20 around the water treatment area

- Farmoor 2nd May
Seen at Farmoor this morning; Sand Martin (several 100’s)-resting on causeway at 09:00 then over water House martin (50+) Swift (100+) Yellow wagtail (3)-on causeway Common Sandpiper-on causeway Gt Crested Grebe (at least 100)-“raft” in NW corner...

- Farmoor 24th May
0830-0930 In the rain! Turnstone 1 Common Sandpiper 1 Common Tern 4 Yellow Wagtail 1m House Martin 200+ Common Swift 100+ European Swallow 20+ Sand Martin 5 Cuckoo 1m...

- Farmoor Res 14th May
Mid afternoon in the rain Common Swift 2000+ Swallow 500+ House Martin 100+ Sand Martin 50+ Dunlin 9 Sanderling 7 Common Sandpiper 2 Yellow Wagtail 2m Common Tern 2 photo Dunlin in flight (c) The Early Birder ...

- Farmoor 27th April
 Grey plover & 9 black-necked grebes this morning (per Dai John) ...and female Montagu's Harrier over the car park at 12:55 (per Ian Lewington) Also 2 Wheatears on F1, 8 Common Sands, 100+ Swift 3 Dunlin 1 Sanderling 1 Grasshopper Warbler...

- Farmoor Reservoir: 3rd September
Little Stint along the causeway late this evening. +Black Tern Black-tailed Godwit (per T.P.Birder) Black-necked Grebe Still on F1. Dunlin: Along causeway. 15 Yellow Wagtail: c. 15 around water treatment works and along causeway. Swallow: Mixed...

