Farmoor Reservoir: 3rd September

Farmoor Reservoir: 3rd September

Little Stint along the causeway late this evening.
+Black Tern
Black-tailed Godwit
(per T.P.Birder)
Black-necked Grebe Still on F1.
Dunlin: Along causeway.
15 Yellow Wagtail: c. 15 around water treatment works and along causeway.
Swallow: Mixed hirundine flock of around 275 to 300 with Swallows, House martins and Sand martins.
Gareth Blockley
1 Spotted Redshank flew thru at 10 am, heading E
2 CSP 1 Greenshank at Rushey Common Stuart Thomson

Photos (c)

- Farmoor: 30th April
Little Gull, 1st summer - Farmoor 2 (ad. also reported, Graham Soden) 2-4 Arctic Tern - Farmoor 2 40+ Swifts (60+ reported earlier, Graham Soden) White Wagtail - Water Treatment Works Ringed Plover - Causeway (Graham Soden) 5 Dunlin - 2 Causeway &...

- Farmoor April 6th 6-7:30 Pm
Osprey - 1 fishing the Thames behind shrike meadow from 7:10 until 7:18 when flew low towards Dix Pit. Red necked grebe - adult F2 sw corner. Little Gull - 1 first winter F2. Pied Wagtail - c50 causeway Common sandpiper - 1 Swallow - 1 Also this evening:...

- Farmoor 7th Sept
White-winged Black Tern still on F1 this evening. 1 Curlew Sandpiper (this evening on F2 side of causeway) 1 Wood Sandpiper (prob this morning only) Whimbrel several through the day (per Roger Wyatt) 1 Ruff + several others through (per Roger Wyatt)...

- Farmoor (sept 5th) 8 - 10:45am.
Black Tern - 4 (1adult) (F1) Black Necked Grebe - 1 on western edge of F1 Dunlin - 2 YLGull - 2ads House Martin - several hundred but most had gone through by 10:30 Sand Martin - hundred or so but left with the HMartins Swallow - perhaps 20. Swift...

- Farmoor Reservoir: 30th May

