Farmoor 7th Sept
White-winged Black Tern still on F1 this evening.
1 Curlew Sandpiper (this evening on F2 side of causeway)
1 Wood Sandpiper (prob this morning only)
Whimbrel several through the day (per
Roger Wyatt)
1 Ruff + several others through (per Roger Wyatt)Sanderling (still this evening)
3 Redshank
2 Turnstone
7 Ringed Plover5 Dunlin
Black necked Grebe (still along west bank of F2 this evening)
(per Dai & The Wickster)3-4 Black Tern still on F1 (
per Martin Brandon)
Fantastic WWBT photo (c)
Farmoor 24th August
Curlew Sandpiper flew over c08:30 but no further sign by midday Ruff 11 circled F1 then flew NE at 19:40 (per NJH) Med Gull juv in the roost this evening (per NJH) Ringed Plover Common Sandpiper Sanderling all F2 late afternoon. (per Tim Clark)...
Farmoor Reservoir: 4th September
4 Black Tern: seen hunting over southern end of F2. Black-necked Grebe close in to causeway on F1. 1 Dunlin, 5 Common Sandpipers, 1 Blackcap, 2 Chiff Chaff, 1 Spotted Flycatcher, ~30 Yellow Wagtail, large mixed hirundine flock and a huge swarm of Greylag...
Farmoor Reservoir: 3rd September
Little Stint along the causeway late this evening.
+Black Tern
Black-tailed Godwit
(per T.P.Birder)
Black-necked Grebe Still on F1.
Dunlin: Along causeway.
15 Yellow Wagtail: c. 15 around water treatment works and along causeway.
Swallow: Mixed...
Farmoor 2nd September
1 Ruff
3 Ringed Plover
2 Dunlin
2 Common Sandpiper
1 Spotted Flycatcher
Black-necked Grebe still on F1
Jon Prowse & Dai.
13 Black Tern this evening
(per B.B)
Farmoor Yesterday And Today
juv Arctic Tern; a poor effort in the gloom
At Farmoor yesterday evening:
1 juv Arctic Tern
5 (2 juv, 3 ad) Common Terns
1 Greenshank
1 juv Dunlin
c20 Y-l Gulls
4 GB-b Gulls
1 juv Common Gull
c30 Yellow Wags
Geoff and Roger Wyatt have...