Farmoor Reservoir 13th December

Farmoor Reservoir 13th December

Distant Common Scoter please view at 720p HD

2 Common Scoter (fem) still present along the northern end of F1 at dusk
Red-necked Grebe along western side of F1 this afternoon
2 Great Northern Diver still in the N/E corner of F2 at dusk and showing well

(per Simon Dowell, Badger et al)

Common Scoter courtesy of Simon Dowell

- 2015 And December Highlights
Juvenile Great northern Diver Farmoor courtesy of Richard Tyler Headline Birds December is not normally one in which to expect a great deal bird-wise so its nice to be able to report a few interesting snippets this month. This month has been mostly all...

- Standlake: 29th December
29th December Standlake 40 Red-crested Pochard: This is an exact count, not an estimate. 33 were on pit 27 in a single group. An additional 7 were on the adjacent pit to the north-west. SP388022. 15:40. Goosander: male. In southernmost corner of pit...

- Farmoor 4th December
Juvenile Great northern Diver please view at 720p HD Grey Phalarope 2 along northern bank of F1 12:00 Great northern Diver (juv) southern bank of F2 still present at dusk Red-necked Grebe F1 north west corner F1 11:00 Please be aware...

- Farmoor 5th Nov
Common Scoter  Common Scoter F2 on west side Red-necked Grebe still on F2 off S/W bank Slavonian Grebe F2 off S/E bank...

- Farmoor Reservoir: 5th January
Farmoor Reservoir Slavonian Grebe: Still on f2 fishing along western side moving from northwest to southwest. Great Northern Diver: No sign of the diver, but not ideal conditions!. Gareth Blockley...

