Farmoor 5th Nov
Common Scoter |
Common Scoter F2 on west side
Red-necked Grebe still on F2 off S/W bank
Slavonian Grebe F2 off S/E bank
Farmoor Reservoir 1st April
Red-necked Grebe off N/E bank of F2 near pontoons this morning but no sign at 14:00. Red-crested Pochard 2 F2 Goldeneye 8 Swallow nr Lock Sand Martin over F2 (per Mark Merritt) photo courtesy of Nick Truby Red-necked Grebe: 50m off shore...
Farmoor Sunday 2nd November Pm
Cettis Warbler Pinkhill, calling frequently, viewable (with difficulty) through willows alongside path. Bullfinches 1 m 2 f Red Necked Grebe west bank of f2 Shoveller f west bank of f1 Red Kites 6 distant west over Stanton Harcourt Clackers Courtesy of...
Farmoor 4th October After The Rain Cleared
2 Rock Pipit west bank F2 near causeway 1 Common Sandpiper No sign of the Red-necked Grebe...
Farmoor 7th November
Mediterranean Gull photo Courtesey of Nic Hallam Red-necked Grebe S/W corner of F2 (per Ian Smith) Slavonian Grebe S/E corner Common Scoter on F2 at 15:07 (per RBA) Mediterranean Gull adult (per Nic)...
Farmoor 1st November
Red Necked Grebe. F2. West bank. (c) TezzerRed-necked Grebe, found by Dai John at 10am, still present in south-west corner of F2 at 13:50pm Red-necked Grebe please view at 720p or 1080p HD...