Farmoor 7th November

Farmoor 7th November

Mediterranean Gull photo Courtesey of Nic Hallam

Red-necked Grebe S/W corner of F2 (per Ian Smith)
Slavonian Grebe S/E corner
Common Scoter on F2 at 15:07 (per RBA)
Mediterranean Gull adult (per Nic)

- Farmoor Reservoir 25th November
Grey Phalarope F1 in S/E corner 14:30 Black-necked Grebe 2 still in middle of F2 (15:15) Red-necked Grebe in S/W corner of F1 (15:15) Yellow-legged Gull 4+ in the roost this afternoon. (per Gareth Blockley) Grey Phal photo courtesy of Jon Mercer....

- Farmoor Reservoir: Farmoor Ii: 5th October
Red-necked Grebe F2 from sw corner to nw corner and back again between 14.00 and 16.30. Yellow-legged Gull: ad. in flight. Alan Horsley...

- Farmoor April 6th 6-7:30 Pm
Osprey - 1 fishing the Thames behind shrike meadow from 7:10 until 7:18 when flew low towards Dix Pit. Red necked grebe - adult F2 sw corner. Little Gull - 1 first winter F2. Pied Wagtail - c50 causeway Common sandpiper - 1 Swallow - 1 Also this evening:...

- Farmoor 2nd November
 Red-necked Grebe still this morning in the S/W corner of F2 near the 'bus shelter' 07:30 (per Andy Last) and still present this afternoon. Long-tailed Duck F1 Slavonian Grebe southern end of F2 Red-necked Grebe photo below courtesey of Andy...

- Farmoor 29th August
Juvenile Mediterranean Gull Farmoor photo courtesey of Nic Hallam 1 Dunlin 1 Common Sandpiper 3 Yellow Wagtail 1 Mediterranean Gull Juv (Per Tom Wickens) Dix Pit 1 Mandarin 7 Red Crested Pochard...

