Farmoor Sunday 2nd November pm

Farmoor Sunday 2nd November pm

Cettis Warbler Pinkhill, calling frequently, viewable (with difficulty) through willows alongside path.
Bullfinches 1 m 2 f
Red Necked Grebe west bank of f2
Shoveller f west bank of f1
Red Kites 6 distant west over Stanton Harcourt

Courtesy of Jon Mercer

- Farmoor 24th March
Red-necked Grebe courtesy of John Reynolds Red-necked Grebe F2 (per Geoff Wyatt) Still present this afternoon off West Bank Rock Pipit along S/W bank of F2 this afternoon White Wagtail 2+ (per Dai & Lee Evans) Kestrel Photo courtesy of Dai....

- Farmoor. 7th. October.
Ringed Plover. Red-necked Grebe courtesy of Alan Horsley Red Necked Grebe.  West bank, F1 Common Sandpiper. Ringed Plover. Rock Pipit. Meadow Pipits. Black Necked Grebes, 2 seen by Dai first thing, but no further sign at 11.30am. Per Dai, Clackers,...

- Farmoor 4th October After The Rain Cleared
2 Rock Pipit west bank F2 near causeway 1 Common Sandpiper No sign of the Red-necked Grebe...

- Farmoor 1st November
 Red Necked Grebe. F2. West bank. (c) TezzerRed-necked Grebe, found by Dai John at 10am, still present in south-west corner of F2 at 13:50pm   Red-necked Grebe please view at 720p or 1080p HD...

- Otmoor: 3rd April
32 Dunlin: west of path to 2nd screen. 2 Golden Plover: males in summer plummage. west of path to 2nd screen. 3 Redshank: west of path to 2nd screen. 2 Ruff: west of path to 12nd screen. 2 Curlew: west of path to 2nd screen. 15 Fieldfare: west of path...

