Farmoor 14th July

Farmoor 14th July

Photo courtesey of Dai The Insomniac Birder
Photo courtesey of Peter Law

Female Common Scoter on F2 per Dai still present this evening + 2 Dunlin

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- Farmoor 2nd June
3 Common Scoter on F1 per Dai still present at 16:22 Sent from my iPhone...

- Farmoor 11th May Spotted Sandpiper Again
Spotted & Common Sandpiper photos courtesey of Andy Last Spotted Sandpiper still present at Farmoor along northern shore of F1 from 05:30 until 08:30 at least. No further sign by 10:30   (per Badger) Also, Little Tern briefly (per Dai) Red-crested...

- Farmoor 30th July
Dunlin 10 Common Sandpiper 6 (per Andy Last) Dunlin photo courtesey of Peter Law...

- Farmoor 15th July
Photo courtesey of Andy Last Common Scoter (m) F2 early evening but no sign of the female (per Andy Last)Also 2 Yellow-legged Gulls...

- Farmoor 28th March
  Common Scoter 2Scandinavian Rock Pipit Both still this evening (per The Wickster) photo (c) Dai The Insomniac Birder...

