Farmoor 28th March

Farmoor 28th March

Common Scoter 2
Scandinavian Rock Pipit

Both still this evening
(per The Wickster)

photo (c) Dai The Insomniac Birder

- Farmoor 16th October
Caspian Gull (ad) in the roost this evening (per Nic & The Wickster) Little Gull 1stw (per Dai) 1st winter Little Gull Farmoor photo courtesey of Dai The Insomniac Birder...

- Farmoor 14th July
Photo courtesey of Dai The Insomniac BirderPhoto courtesey of Peter Law Female Common Scoter on F2 per Dai still present this evening + 2 Dunlin Sent from my iPhone...

- Farmoor 2nd March
Rock Pipit Scaup 4 Dix Pit Yellow-legged Gull 3 Red-crested Pochard 6 Stonechat (per The Wickster) The Insomniac Birder...

- Farmoor 2nd February
Caspian Gull (2ndw) in the roost this evening (found by Nic Hallam) Scaup 5 Slavonian Grebe 1 Barnacle Geese 9 Brambling 2 Rock Pipit (per Bob Hurst) Reed Bunting 70+ Chaffinch 50+ Yellowhammer 20+ (per Matt Prior) Barnacle Goose Farmoor...

Rock Pipit (Badger)3 Med Gull (1stw 2ndw adw Badger et al) 5 Dunlin 1 Merlin (per The Wickster) 1 Hobby (per Ian Smith) 3 Common Scoter still on FII at 11:10a.m til c2p.m then flew off 1 Black-tailed Godwit (on raft nr car park per RBA) 1 Ringed Plover...

