Farmoor 16th October

Farmoor 16th October

Caspian Gull (ad) in the roost this evening (per Nic & The Wickster)
Little Gull 1stw (per Dai)

1st winter Little Gull Farmoor photo courtesey of Dai
The Insomniac Birder

- Farmoor 15th October
  Rock Pipit 3 Little Gull 1 Jack Snipe 1 (per Dai) Farmoor One First winter Caspian Gull 3 Mediterranean Gulls (2 First winter, 1 adult). (per Nic Hallam)...

- Farmoor 20th September
Caspian Gull (1stw) Med Gull 2 (1stw & 2ndw) (per R.B.A ) Merlin (m) Hobby Egyptian Geese 2 Ringed Plover  The Insomniac Birder...

- Farmoor 16th April
Ring Ouzel reported near the zig-zag path to the west of F2 at 16:00 Redstart 2 (both male) Hobby this evening. (per Dai) The Insomniac Birder Farmoor Reservoir Peregrine (per Steve Goddard) Little Gull 11 this evening (per Matt Prior) ...

- Farmoor 3rd Jan
Caspian Gull (ad) 2 Med Gull (ad +1st w) In roost. Black-tailed Godwit over (per Nic) Casser photo's and more Info at the superb Farmoor Birding ...

- Farmoor 31st October
Caspian Gull (1st W) in Roost this evening (per R.B.A)

