Farmoor 15th October

Farmoor 15th October

Rock Pipit 3
Little Gull 1
Jack Snipe 1

(per Dai)

Farmoor One

First winter Caspian Gull
3 Mediterranean Gulls (2 First winter, 1 adult).

(per Nic Hallam)

- Farmoor Roost
Second winter Caspian Gull F.2.  Adult Mediterranean Gull.  8+ Yellow-legged Gulls...

- Farmoor - 25th March
F.2 Roost: First winter Caspian Gull (different to last weeks bird). Juvenile Iceland Gull. 2 adult Little Gulls on F2 @ 16.45. ...

- Farmoor Roost
1 Little Gull (adult winter) 3 Mediterranean Gulls (all adult summer)...

- Farmoor 9th March
Kittiwake 2 Little Gull 2 Scaup 4 Oystercatcher 1 Redshank 1 Ringed Plover 3 Golden Plover 6 Med Gull  2 Adult and a first winter. Glaucous Gull 1st winter ( per Ian Smith ) Barn Owl 2 Water Rail 2 Chiffchaff 1 Rock Pipit 3 Sand ...

- 4th December: Appleford Glaucous Gull
Jason Coppock has texted to say that there's a Glaucous gull (prob. 2nd winter) currently on the Spit Pit at Appleford. NB the level crossing is currently out of action so you need to approach from the Didcot end The bird flew off from the pit shortly...

