Farmoor 16th April
Ring Ouzel reported near the zig-zag path to the west of F2 at 16:00
Redstart 2 (both male)
Hobby this evening.
(per Dai) The Insomniac BirderFarmoor ReservoirPeregrine
(per Steve Goddard)Little Gull 11 this evening
(per Matt Prior) Common Tern
Yellow Wagtail 2 along causeway
Little Gull Farmoor 16th April (c) Matt Prior |
Arctic Terns on route between the Antarctic & the Arctic at Farmoor 16th April More about this Terns epic journey here 40+ Arctic Terns arrived this evening Little Gull 3+ (c) Nic Hallam...
Farmoor 2nd February
Caspian Gull (2ndw) in the roost this evening (found by Nic Hallam) Scaup 5 Slavonian Grebe 1 Barnacle Geese 9 Brambling 2 Rock Pipit (per Bob Hurst) Reed Bunting 70+ Chaffinch 50+ Yellowhammer 20+ (per Matt Prior) Barnacle Goose Farmoor...
Farmoor Reservoir: 16th September
White Wagtail (juv) Caught by Matt Prior and shown during the ring demo. 2 Sanderling (juv) 3 Dunlin Sand Martin: One seen early morning. 300 House Martin: Varying numbers all morning but at some points well over 300. 25 Meadow Pipit: Steady flow of birds...
Farmoor 26th April
1s little gull wheatear 6 arctic tern 2 common tern 200 Swift 2 common sand 10 white wags 2 yellow wags Matt Prior Photo (c) Matt Prior Photo (c) Terry Sherlock Sanderling 1. Terry Sherlock and Dai ...
Farmoor Reservoir: 15th April
Yellow Wagtail Farmoor (c) Jon Mercer Farmoor Reservoir Pied Flycatcher: NEGATIVE. No sign of it around 12:00 to 13:00. Redstart: m. In hedge near the zig-zag path. Farmoor Reservoir: Farmoor II Swift 4 Little Gull: adults. sum plum. Farmoor...