Farmoor 2nd February

Farmoor 2nd February

Caspian Gull (2ndw) in the roost this evening (found by Nic Hallam)

Scaup 5
Slavonian Grebe 1
Barnacle Geese 9
Brambling 2
Rock Pipit (per Bob Hurst)

Reed Bunting 70+
Chaffinch 50+
Yellowhammer 20+
(per Matt Prior)

Barnacle Goose Farmoor (c) Mark Chivers

(per Dai) The Insomniac Birder

- Farmoor 19th March
Great White Egret over F2 and appeared to follow the Thames towards Cumnor c18:25 (Mark Chivers) 2ndw Iceland Gull1stw Caspian Gull Iceland Gull (2ndw) F2 in roost (Andy Last) Caspian Gull (1stw) F1 in roost (NJH) Kittiwake (ad) again F1 until c10:30...

- Farmoor 21st January
Barnacle Goose 9 Scaup 4 Pintail 1 Water Rail 5 Barn Owl 2 ( per Matt Prior ) ...

- Farmoor 16th April
Ring Ouzel reported near the zig-zag path to the west of F2 at 16:00 Redstart 2 (both male) Hobby this evening. (per Dai) The Insomniac Birder Farmoor Reservoir Peregrine (per Steve Goddard) Little Gull 11 this evening (per Matt Prior) ...

- Farmoor 2nd October
From Stephen Bell: 1 Rock Pipit1 Northern Wheatear1 Dunlin 1 Common Sandpiper Also barnacle & bar-headed geese. Farmoor plastic (c) Stephen Bell ...

- Farmoor Site Guide
Map (c) Dave Dunford Access Farmoor reservoir is located just south of Farmoor village which is due west of Oxford city. The B4044 will take you to Farmoor village and at the roundabout turn onto the B4017 towards Cumnor. The main access is at Gate...

