Farmoor 19th March

Farmoor 19th March

Great White Egret over F2 and appeared to follow the Thames towards Cumnor c18:25
(Mark Chivers)

2ndw Iceland Gull
1stw Caspian Gull

Iceland Gull (2ndw) F2 in roost (Andy Last)
Caspian Gull (1stw) F1 in roost (NJH)
Kittiwake (ad) again F1 until c10:30 (per Dave Lowe) no sign this evening.
Little Gull
Mediterranean Gull 2 (both 1stw)
Sand Martin (at last!)

(per Dai)

- Farmoor 20th September
Caspian Gull (1stw) Med Gull 2 (1stw & 2ndw) (per R.B.A ) Merlin (m) Hobby Egyptian Geese 2 Ringed Plover  The Insomniac Birder...

- Appleford 31st January
Caspian Gull (1stw) in field near level crossing at 3p.m Iceland Gull (2ndw) (per RBA)...

- Iceland Gull 7th December
Iceland Gull (2ndw) On the Spit Pit 12:15 to 12:45. (Simon Bradfield) And again 14:00-15:45p.m (Badger) + Yellow-legged Gull (ad) 8 Common Gull Radley Iceland Gull (2ndw) 16:05 amongst the Thrupp Lake roost....

Iceland Gull (2ndw) & Probable Caspian Gull...

- Farmoor Med Gulls In Late Afternoon
Arrived 16:40, so far too late for any hope of raptor watching. 1 Rockit, 2 Mipit and perhaps 20 Pied Wags plus 1 Ringed Plover in the SE of F1. Enormous gull roost this evening and gusting gale force WSW, so concentrated on F1 only. Common Gull totalled...

