Farmoor 21st January

Farmoor 21st January

Barnacle Goose 9
Scaup 4
Pintail 1
Water Rail 5
Barn Owl 2

( per Matt Prior )

- Kings Lock: 26th January
26th January Kings Lock 8 Goosander: 4m 4rh. These 8 flew over going upriver. Highest count on the water was only 1M+1RH. 45 Barnacle Goose: 45 together was a quite a sight! Feeding with the grelyags and canadas. Mouth of River Evenlode 4 Bar-headed...

- Otmoor 8th December
Water Rail in front of the first screen early morning (c) Gareth Blockley                           Bearded Tit 2 nr the...

- Farmoor 26th April
1s little gull wheatear 6 arctic tern 2 common tern 200 Swift 2 common sand 10 white wags 2 yellow wags Matt Prior Photo (c) Matt Prior   Photo (c) Terry Sherlock  Sanderling 1.  Terry Sherlock and Dai     ...

- Farmoor 16th April
Ring Ouzel reported near the zig-zag path to the west of F2 at 16:00 Redstart 2 (both male) Hobby this evening. (per Dai) The Insomniac Birder Farmoor Reservoir Peregrine (per Steve Goddard) Little Gull 11 this evening (per Matt Prior) ...

- Farmoor Closed
Thames Water manager Matt Prior has just informed me that Farmoor is closed today to the public due to weather conditions. Cheers Dai. ...

