Farmoor 11th May Spotted Sandpiper Again

Farmoor 11th May Spotted Sandpiper Again

Spotted & Common Sandpiper photos courtesey of Andy Last

Spotted Sandpiper still present at Farmoor along northern shore of F1 from 05:30 until 08:30 at least.

No further sign by 10:30   (per Badger)

Little Tern briefly (per Dai)
Red-crested Pochard 2 m&f
25 Dunlin
Yellow Wagtail
Whinchat (per Dai)

Dunlin courtesey of Andy Last

Courtesey of T.S

- Farmoor Res 12th September
Little Tern 5 09:35 but no further sign by 10:14 (per Dai & Steve Burch) Black Tern 4 (increasing to 6 early evening per Dai) Yellow Wagtail 6 Including one Blue-headed. (per Anthony Cheke) Ruff 1 juv m Dunlin 1 juv Ringed Plover 1...

- Farmoor 2nd September
Osprey pictures courtesey of John Reynolds Osprey (had apparently been there overnight) circled over F2 and then headed SW. Curlew Sandpiper 2 juv still present at dusk Black Tern 2 Wigeon 12 Common Sandpiper 2 Green Sandpiper Black-tailed Godwit...

- Farmoor 23rd July
                                                           Sanderling courtesey of Andy Last     ...

- Farmoor 13th May
No sign of the Spotted Sandpiper this morning  (per Liam Langley) 6 Common Sandpiper 2 Red-crested Pochard: m/f John Gough The Spotted Sandpiper yesterday (c) Brian Harrison ...

- Farmoor Res 17th April
Arctic Tern 1 (Nic Hallam) Spotted Redshank a.m only (per Dai) Common Tern 1 Common Sandpiper 2 Yellow Wagtail 5+ all males Swallow 3 Sand Martin 1 Swift evening (Stephen Collier) Swift photo courtesey of Stephen Collier Spotted Redshank courtesey...

