Farmoor Res 17th April
Arctic Tern 1
(Nic Hallam)Spotted Redshank a.m only
(per Dai)Common Tern 1
Common Sandpiper 2
Yellow Wagtail 5+ all males
Swallow 3
Sand Martin 1
Swift evening
(Stephen Collier)
Swift photo courtesey of Stephen Collier
Spotted Redshank courtesey of Dai
Farmoor 24th May
0830-0930 In the rain! Turnstone 1 Common Sandpiper 1 Common Tern 4 Yellow Wagtail 1m House Martin 200+ Common Swift 100+ European Swallow 20+ Sand Martin 5 Cuckoo 1m...
Farmoor 1st April Evening
1 Yellow Wagtail (per Steven Collier) 1 White Wagtail (per Ian Smith) 2 Oystercatcher over 1 Swallow 1 Dunlin Snow Geese 50+ over the Res c13:34 (per Dai) Yellow Wagtail photo courtesey of Stephen Collier. Swallow courtesey of Andy Last...
Farmoor Res 14th May
Mid afternoon in the rain Common Swift 2000+ Swallow 500+ House Martin 100+ Sand Martin 50+ Dunlin 9 Sanderling 7 Common Sandpiper 2 Yellow Wagtail 2m Common Tern 2 photo Dunlin in flight (c) The Early Birder ...
Between 1430-1630hrs Dunlin 14 Sanderling 2 (one aberrant with mainly white head) Whimbrel 2 Ringed Plover 1 Arctic Tern 5 Common Tern 2 Little Gull 1 2 cal.year Common Swift 2000 House Martin 20+ Swallow 20+ Sand Martin 2+ Yellow Wagtail 1m Spotted...
Farmoor 28th April
Still 5 black-neck grebes this afternoon, showing really well on F2 near the car park. WhinchatChannel Wagtail at Farmoor per Simon Bradfield Also a possible "Eastern form" yellow wagtail this morning per Tom Wickens Also (per Ewan Urquhart)...