Common Crane Otmoor 5th April

Common Crane Otmoor 5th April

Common Crane Otmoor R.S.P.B on east side at 2:30p.m
(per R.B.A & Birdguides)

- Otmoor: 9th May
Otmoor 2 Crane: from 2nd screen. 13:30. Little Ringed Plover: Big Otmoor. 13:30. Oystercatcher: 2nd screen. 13:30. 3 Cuckoo 13:30. Sam Jones...

- Otmoor: 6th June
Common Crane still Otmoor RSPB circling 09:00 to 09:40 then drifted south. Glossy Ibis still this morning from the Hide c09:45 (per Paul Greenaway)...

- Otmoor. 5th June.

- Common Crane 1st July
Common Crane yesterday c5mls NNW of Faringdon flew south east over Langford at 9.20am. (per RBA)...

- Crane At Hanney 27th Dec
I received a call from a game keeper who gave a pretty good description of a bird feeding in his maize game strip; reddish face, dark tail, and buffy all over. It could have been a Goldfinch until he mentioned it was four feet tall! He thought it might...

