Common Crane 1st July

Common Crane 1st July

Common Crane yesterday c5mls NNW of Faringdon flew
south east over Langford at 9.20am.
(per RBA)

- Otmoor: 6th June
Common Crane still Otmoor RSPB circling 09:00 to 09:40 then drifted south. Glossy Ibis still this morning from the Hide c09:45 (per Paul Greenaway)...

- Otmoor. 5th June.

- Peregrine & Hobby 29th August
Near Wadley Manor south east of Faringdon Peregrine over the nearby sand pits later from the Rushey Common hide Hobby hunting in front of the hide across the water over South Leigh bridle track....

- Port Meadow 5.45 - 6.45am
Wood Sandpiper - North Flood until 5.55am then flew high east. Grey Plover Bar-tailed Godwit 13 Golden Plover 1 Oystercatcher 1 LR Plover 2 Garganey 3 Common Tern 1 Shelduck 1 Until 6.20am...

- Common Crane Otmoor 5th April
Common Crane Otmoor R.S.P.B on east side at 2:30p.m (per R.B.A & Birdguides)...

