Crane at Hanney 27th Dec

Crane at Hanney 27th Dec

I received a call from a game keeper who gave a pretty good description of a bird feeding in his maize game strip; reddish face, dark tail, and buffy all over. It could have been a Goldfinch until he mentioned it was four feet tall! He thought it might be a Common Crane but it didn't have a black head like the one in his book. I took a look and sure enough found a 1st winter Crane in the second field on the left 200 m after you leave West Hanney on the road to Denchworth. He first saw it on 24th Dec. It's fairly distant as the maize strip is at the far side of the field.



- Denchworth 21st June
Turtle Dove (m) Denchworth near start of bridleway to West Hanney Early morning (per RBA)....

- Abingdon: Peep-o-day Lane: 29th April
Abingdon: Peep-o-Day Lane 2 Crane: A pair seen circling low for about 5 mins before departing west. Crane: a pair seen circling low over Wilsham Rd/Ock valley area for about 5 mins before flying off in a westerly direction. Steve King...

- East Hendred 18th January
A good candidate for 1st-winter Rough-legged Buzzard seen very briefly this afternoon at 14:30 (from car), perched in wet field at west end of East Hendred, north of A417. Around 15-20m from the road and therefore offering decent naked eye views, showed...

- Crane Otmoor 7th May

- Baikal Teal
Baikal Teal: 22nd – 24th December 2002 I visited Dix Pit near Stanton Harcourt at lunchtime on 22nd December 2002 to count the wildfowl having noted a significant influx of dabblers in recent days. There were again large numbers of duck present and...

