Otmoor: 9th May

Otmoor: 9th May

2 Crane: from 2nd screen. 13:30.
Little Ringed Plover: Big Otmoor. 13:30.
Oystercatcher: 2nd screen. 13:30.
3 Cuckoo 13:30.

Sam Jones

- Otmoor: 2nd May
AM: 2 Common Cranes (per Bark et al) PM: 8+ Hobby 30+ Swift 3+ Cuckoo Garganey (drake) - Big Otmoor 2 Ruff - Big Otmoor Oystercatcher - Big Otmoor 3 Little Ringed Plovers 2 Little Egret 2 Water Rail Cetti's Warbler - 2nd Screen 2+ Yellow Wagtail...

- Otmoor April 21st Am
2 Common Cranes over reserve - Seen dropping over hedge around the flood field area 1pm 5 Ruff - Noke Sides, 2 on Big Otmoor 5 Little Egret 2 Cettis Warblers  - Calling towards second screen and near cattle pens 1 Grasshopper Warbler - heard calling...

- Otmoor: 5th March
Otmoor Bearded Tit: Along path to 1st screen. Barn Owl: Hunting near to 1st screen 11:00 am. 2 Dunlin: Big Otmoor. 4 Ruff: Closes field. Marsh Tit 2 Treecreeper: On Oaks by 1st screen. Water Rail: 2nd screen. Peter Coombes...

- Otmoor 5th March
5 Barnacle Geese on Greenaways (Mary Clifton) 2 Bittern: 1 at 1st screen and a second very close to the second screen. Barn Owl: flying along path to 1st screen at 9:00 am. 200 Golden Plover 2 Curlew: from 2nd screen. Hen Harrier: male. Big Otmoor....

- Otmoor: 13th April
Otmoor Cuckoo: On oak tree behind car park field 9.30 am. Swallow 2 Jay Sedge Warbler: singing by first screen. 6 Wheatear: One on post by hide and five more in front of hide. Green Sandpiper: From first screen. 5 Snipe: drumming over greenaways. Golden...

