Otmoor: 5th March

Otmoor: 5th March

Bearded Tit: Along path to 1st screen.
Barn Owl: Hunting near to 1st screen 11:00 am.
2 Dunlin: Big Otmoor.
4 Ruff: Closes field.
Marsh Tit
2 Treecreeper: On Oaks by 1st screen.
Water Rail: 2nd screen.

Peter Coombes

- Otmoor: 10th February
Bearded Tit 1st screen. 5 Ruff 3 Sanderling Peregrine Hen Harrier 5 Snipe Kingfisher Chiffchaff nr hide Otter 2 seen swimming together by 2nd screen. Peter Coombes photo courtesey of Peter Coombes No sign of any Short-eared Owls in Moorleys (car park...

- Otmoor: Rspb Reserve: 8th May
8th May Otmoor: RSPB reserve Marsh Harrier: hunting over reed bed. Water Rail: calling by first screen. Greenshank: Ashgrave. Ruff: Ashgrave. Dunlin: Ashgrave. Whimbrel 2 Shelduck Peter Law...

- Otmoor: 3rd April
32 Dunlin: west of path to 2nd screen. 2 Golden Plover: males in summer plummage. west of path to 2nd screen. 3 Redshank: west of path to 2nd screen. 2 Ruff: west of path to 12nd screen. 2 Curlew: west of path to 2nd screen. 15 Fieldfare: west of path...

- Otmoor 31st March
Ferruginous Duck (drake) still from the 2nd screen & showing well 09:19 (per Bark featuring The Otmoor Massive) Barn Owl: N end of reed bed. Hen Harrier: ring-tail past 1st screen. Bittern 7 White-fronted Geese 3 Ruff 8 Redshank 3 Curlew 40 Dunlin...

- Otmoor 8th September
little grebe - 1 (1st screen)cormorant - 2 little egret - 2 (1st screen)pochard - 1 (2nd screen)gadwall - 6+ (2nd screen)wigeon - 2 (2nd screen)teals (1st screen)hobby - 2green sand - 2 (1st screen)greenshank - at least 1 (1st screen)kingfisher - 1 (1st...

