Otmoor 8th September

Otmoor 8th September

little grebe - 1 (1st screen)
cormorant - 2
little egret - 2 (1st screen)
pochard - 1 (2nd screen)
gadwall - 6+ (2nd screen)
wigeon - 2 (2nd screen)
teals (1st screen)
hobby - 2
green sand - 2 (1st screen)
greenshank - at least 1 (1st screen)
kingfisher - 1 (1st screen)
yellow wagtails - about 10 mostly following cattle Greenaways
whinchat - 2 along path to 2nd screen
reed warbler - 1 along path to 2nd screen
lesser whitethroat - 1
raven - 2

also - 3 c. lizards by 1st screen

(per Tommaso Pizzari)

- Otmoor.a.m. 24th November.
1 Bittern (from second screen) 1 Cettis  Warbler (from second screen) 1 Marsh Harrier (from first screen) 1 Sparrowhawk (from first screen) 4 Stonechat C.19 Snipe 2 Raven (over)....

- Otmoor.a.m. 20th November.
2 Raven (over car park) 1 Sparrowhawk (bridleway) 2 Kingfisher (reedbeds) 12 Snipe (reedbeds) 1 Bittern (from 1st screen per N W) 1 Marsh Harrier (from 1st screen per N. W.) 1 Cettis Warbler (heard at second screen per R. C.) ...

- Otmoor: 5th March
Otmoor Bearded Tit: Along path to 1st screen. Barn Owl: Hunting near to 1st screen 11:00 am. 2 Dunlin: Big Otmoor. 4 Ruff: Closes field. Marsh Tit 2 Treecreeper: On Oaks by 1st screen. Water Rail: 2nd screen. Peter Coombes...

- Otmoor 5th March
5 Barnacle Geese on Greenaways (Mary Clifton) 2 Bittern: 1 at 1st screen and a second very close to the second screen. Barn Owl: flying along path to 1st screen at 9:00 am. 200 Golden Plover 2 Curlew: from 2nd screen. Hen Harrier: male. Big Otmoor....

- Otmoor 11th August
Black-wit in flight courtesy of Pat 2 Black-tailed Godwit: 2nd screen. Green Sandpiper: 1st screen. 3 Greenshank: 1) 1st screen, 1) 2nd screen, 1) Ashgrave. 40 Snipe: At least 40. Thirty in one flock flying to 1st screen. several smaller flocks...

