Buff-Bellied Pipit

Buff-bellied pipit (c) Mike Flemming
More photos on Farmoor Birding July-December 2007
All Records of Buff-bellied Pipit in Oxon- 2007 8th-10th October, Farmoor Reservoir. Bird was also reported on 12th at Port Meadow briefly (Birding World 20 (10): 407, photo), (British Birds 100: plate 325), (British Birds 101: 555, plate 281)
Sutton Courtenay 29th March
A dark alba Barn Owl Barn Owl an alba variant: all photos The Paranoid Birder Why it isn't a European Dark-brested Barn Owl (guttata)... The pale undertail coverts and pale legs are the giveaway – they should be buff in guttatapale...
Farmoor 27th October
5 Little Gull all 1st w flew through heading north at 14:35. Water Pipit still on south side of causeway but mobile. Rock Pipit Jack Snipe on Shrike Meadow. (per R.B.A) More Info The water pipit (c) David Fearn ...
Franklin's Gull
A montage of the 2007 bird, found in the roost. Fortunately it turned up again the next night, allowing many birders to see it The 2002 Franklin's Gull, in active moult as seen by comparing the two photos All Sightings of Franklin's Gull in...
Lesser Yellowlegs
The Port Meadow Lesser Yellowlegs, October 2010 (c) Nigel Forrow All Records of Lesser Yellowlegs in Oxon 2010 Port Meadow, juvenile 14th Oct to 8th Nov. Adam Hartley1999 Otmoor, 25th May. Jason Gosler1998 Otmoor, adult, 29th Aug to 5th Sep. (British...
Past County Rarities
Write-ups of Past County Rarities: click on the link below for details. More to follow soon! Lesser YellowlegsFranklin's GullBonaparte's GullBuff-bellied PipitSurf ScoterRed-rumped SwallowBaikal TealLesser Scaup Port Meadow Lesser Yellowlegs (c)...