Sutton Courtenay 29th March
A dark alba Barn Owl |
Barn Owl an alba variant: all photos The Paranoid Birder
Why it isn't a European Dark-brested Barn Owl (guttata)...
The pale undertail coverts and pale legs are the giveaway – they should be buff in guttatapale underwing coverts – should be buff in guttatawhite facial disc – should have extensive dark marks around the eye in guttatapale grey primary tips – should be much darker grey in guttatarather thin barring across primaries – should be broader in guttata and go across the whole featherTaken from
Birding FrontiersMore on Dark-brested Barn Owls on
Dutch Birding
So on the eve of Christmas Day some of Oxfordshires birding alumni are once again ushered from their dark and dusty studies to regale us with stories.Keith Clack is to start the proceedings with a dark tale from the Sharpness Docks. Some now call...
Ring-billed Gull - Farmoor - 2nd April.
A first summer Ring-billed Gull was in the Farmoor roost this evening. First seen quite close in to the southern shore of F.2 at about 18.10, it then almost immediately flew to the centre of the reservoir. It was then watched briefly, but very well, from...
Otmoor.a.m. 14th June.
Oddington End: 2 Turtle Doves, (feeding by the bridge) 1 Garden Warbler (by Dutch barn) 2 Curlew (Hundred Acres) 1 Raven (over)...
Siberian Chiffchaff?, Abingdon Sf 12th Feb
The tristis/abietinus bird was still present the sewage works today. I didn't hear it call but the pics below give an impression of how it variously appeared in the field. Generally grey-brown lacking any green/yellow except for yellow underwing covs/axillaries...
Gulls At Appleford 30/11/11
This is the Iceland Gull found by Tom Wickens this morning. These poor video grabs were obtained mid afternoon. The general blotchy look to the scapulars, the sharply defined dark on the bill with a fine pale tip (inset middle pic), the pale iris...