Franklin's Gull

A montage of the 2007 bird, found in the roost. Fortunately it turned up again the next night, allowing many birders to see it

The 2002 Franklin's Gull, in active moult as seen by comparing the two photos
All Sightings of Franklin's Gull in Oxon
- 2007 Farmoor Reservoir, adult, 10th to 11th November. Nic Hallam (British Birds 101: 546)
- 2002 Farmoor Reservoir, adult, 17th to 28th August. Nic Hallam (Birding World 15 (8): 313), (British Birds 96: 574)
Ring-billed Gull - Farmoor - 2nd April.
A first summer Ring-billed Gull was in the Farmoor roost this evening. First seen quite close in to the southern shore of F.2 at about 18.10, it then almost immediately flew to the centre of the reservoir. It was then watched briefly, but very well, from...
Goingbirding: 20th February
Farmoor Reservoir 2 Little Gull (ad) 2 Ringed Plover Scaup (f) Nicholas Hallam
Appleford 13th November
Caspian Gull near adult. Found & aged by one of the countys two resident 'Gull Whisperers' this afternoon. Last nights Farmoor bird? 2nd w Casser on the tip (per Lew)There was a possible adult Caspian briefly on Port Meadow last night but...
Buff-bellied Pipit
Buff-bellied pipit (c) Mike Flemming More photos on Farmoor Birding July-December 2007 All Records of Buff-bellied Pipit in Oxon 2007 8th-10th October, Farmoor Reservoir. Bird was also reported on 12th at Port Meadow briefly (Birding World 20 (10): 407,...
Lesser Yellowlegs
The Port Meadow Lesser Yellowlegs, October 2010 (c) Nigel Forrow All Records of Lesser Yellowlegs in Oxon 2010 Port Meadow, juvenile 14th Oct to 8th Nov. Adam Hartley1999 Otmoor, 25th May. Jason Gosler1998 Otmoor, adult, 29th Aug to 5th Sep. (British...