Blenheim 12th April

Blenheim 12th April

Hawfinch c18 from inside the Ornamental Gardens this morning (per Ewan)
The gardens open at 10a.m and admission is £9

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- Blenheim Park 3rd April
Hawfinch 5 in tops of large ornamental trees (per RBA) Eds:Presumably referring to the trees within the gardens and best viewed from the area near the model railway shed. There is no charge to enter the estate via the Bladon gate behind the Whitehouse...

- Dipper Blenheim Park
Dipper reported over the weekend at the cascade within the palace gardens. The Cascade is only viewable from within the Gardens and admission is £12. (report via Jon Uren) ...

- Blenheim Park 8th April
Hawfinch 2 this morning near the modal engine shed (per Pete Alan) From the public gate behind 'The White House' pub in Bladon, follow the tarmac road through the park and cross the cattle grid. Keep left and go past the entrance to the ornamental...

- Port Meadow 13th March
Avocet 2 still at midday (per Ewan) Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android ...

- Kidlington 5th December
 Waxwings 12+ Still in Kidlington at eastern end of Yarnton Road and in back gardens viewable from Treeground Place at 10:23. 11 still this afternoon viewed from Treeground Place (per Tom Coyne) Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android ...

