Kidlington 5th December

Kidlington 5th December

Waxwings 12+ Still in Kidlington at eastern end of Yarnton Road and in back gardens viewable from Treeground Place at 10:23.

11 still this afternoon viewed from Treeground Place (per Tom Coyne)

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- Kidlington 4th December
13 Waxwing at eastern end of Yarnton Road Kidlington 13:45 (Justin & Badger) 2-3 Waxwing at the eastern end of Yarnton Road near bus stop in berry tree c1p.m. (per Jon Prowse) Both Photos (c) JT...

- Waxwings - Kidlington 30th March
5 Waxwings in Kidlington at 9:48a.m in the short stay car park behind the Kidlington Centre....

- Kidlington Starling Roost 22nd Feb
Good display of Starlings over Kidlington tonight. They were mainly over the Gosford Hill School/TV Police HQ area. They came down briefly in trees in gardens near TV Police HQ but then flew off over the Oxford Road, presumably to roost somewhere on the...

- Waxwings 20th Dec
Waxwings heard in Yarnton this morning and a small party flew over at about 8.00am. Cheers (Nick Suckling Oxonbirds) 2 Waxwings still Kidlington this morning on Blenheim Rd near Garage (per R.B.A) 6 Waxwings Cowley Road (per R.B.A/O.O.S) 5 Waxwings Banbury...

- Waxwings In Bodicote 13 December
My wife Jo has just phoned me to say there are four Waxwings at the junction of Molyneux Drive and Keyser Road (viewable from our house!). Just popped home at lunchtime and found 11 nearby on Blackwood Place. We had a quick look in Easington but could...

