Waxwings - Kidlington 30th March

Waxwings - Kidlington 30th March

5 Waxwings in Kidlington at 9:48a.m in the short stay car park
behind the Kidlington Centre.

- Kidlington 15th April
Black Redstart Still present 14:20 though mobile (Badger & Phil Barnett). Re-located in Kidlington Industrial Estate near the TVR Self Drive at 12:55 though mobile Found in Kidlington near The Highway Man Pub (formerly The Wise Alderman) at 09:00...

- Kidlington: 29th January
Kidlington 2 Woodcock: A pair flew over Freeze Way Kidlington. 17:27. Jason Coppock...

- In Search Of The 'aloo' Chat 30th March
Good to see some new faces at what is always a great evening.Birders Curry Night Kidlington 30th March....

- Tonight Oxford Ornithological Society Indoor Meeting.
Wednesday 7th. March 2012 A talk by Graham Lenton 'Two Islands' Graham has previously given the society interesting and well presented talks and we can look forward to being entertained and informed again this next Wednesday 7th March at Stratfield...

- Kidlington Starling Roost 22nd Feb
Good display of Starlings over Kidlington tonight. They were mainly over the Gosford Hill School/TV Police HQ area. They came down briefly in trees in gardens near TV Police HQ but then flew off over the Oxford Road, presumably to roost somewhere on the...

