Blenheim Park 3rd April

Blenheim Park 3rd April

Hawfinch 5 in tops of large ornamental trees (per RBA)
Eds:Presumably referring to the trees within the gardens and best viewed from
the area near the model railway shed.
There is no charge to enter the estate via the Bladon gate behind the Whitehouse pub
although you may be asked for a Blenheim pass.

- Blenheim: Bladon Gate: 24th August
Blenheim: Bladon Gate Redstart Michael Hunt...

- Blenheim: Combe Gate: 10th April
Blenheim: Combe Gate Hawfinch Jeremy Blakey...

- Port Meadow 2nd October: Yellow-browed Warbler
YELLOW-BROWED WARBLER this evening doing what looks like a feeding circuit around the trees by the Port Meadow car park at the bottom of Walton Well Road (see here). During the half an hour that I watched it, it started in the copse of mixed trees between...

- Blenheim Grounds 30th November
Hawfinch in the ornamental garden viewed from close to the model railway engine shed c10:00 (per The Wickster) Note: this puts The Wickster on a stonking 192 for his county year list - way to go!  (Gnome)...

- Blenheim 3rd March
16 Hawfinch Blenheim Palace grounds in tree behind mini railway engine shed this morning. (per R.B.A)...

