Dipper Blenheim Park

Dipper Blenheim Park

Dipper reported over the weekend at the cascade within the palace gardens.
The Cascade is only viewable from within the Gardens and admission is £12.
(report via Jon Uren)

- Blenheim Palace
Unconfirmed report of two Black Redstarts recently on and around Blenheim Palace....

- Blenheim: 13th July
2 Spotted Flycatcher: Seen from the train, about halfway between the Palace and Pleasure Gardens. Dropping down from oaks to feed on ground. Leo Bateman...

- Spotted Flycatchers In The North
Reported yesterday on Banburybirds Yahoo group: Pair at Glyn Davies Wood (eastern end of reserve) per Mike Lewis Pair at Hanwell Church / Castle Gardens. Also just out of county a pair at Farnborough Lake car park per Tony Clark...

- Blenheim Park 28th March
Belated news of a Ring Ouzel at Blenheim on Thursday (per Dave Daniels) Crossbill 5 near the ornimental gardens 29th (per The Wickster)...

- Witney 26th Nov Dipper Still
Dipper Thanks to yesterday's tip off, I managed to see the dipper on my 3rd attempt. A new Oxfordshire species for me! It was showing well at New Mill around 3pm this afternoon....

