Blenheim Palace

Blenheim Palace

Unconfirmed report of two Black Redstarts recently on and around Blenheim Palace.

- Odd Sightings
Two odd sightings at Blenheim Palace this afternoon.  Greylag Goose in a tree is a new one to me! Looked like it was nesting.Also a bat (probably a Pipistrelle sp.) flying around. I think the sun had warmed it up enough to wake up and with plenty...

- Blenheim: Palace Garden: 2nd March
Blenheim: Palace Garden 2 Raven Tom Coyne...

- Goingbirding: 26th March
Blenheim: Palace Garden 9 Hawfinch Richard Foster ...

- Goingbirding: 23rd March
Blenheim: Palace Garden 2 Hawfinch Steve Goddard ...

- Blenheim 3rd March
16 Hawfinch Blenheim Palace grounds in tree behind mini railway engine shed this morning. (per R.B.A)...

