Blenheim Park 28th March

Blenheim Park 28th March

Belated news of a Ring Ouzel at Blenheim on Thursday (per Dave Daniels)
Crossbill 5 near the ornimental gardens 29th (per The Wickster)

- Linky Down 14th April
3 Ring Ouzel still showing well this evening (per RBA) 4 Ring Ouzel still present in valley at 4.30pm. 16:30 (per Barry Batchelor) 5 Ring Ouzel In the valley bottom and all together. 12:00 +3 Wheatear (per John Edwards) 5 still present at 11:11 (per...

- Wantage 8th May
Belated news of a Nightjar calling in Wantage late wednesday early thursday morning. There has been no further sight or sound of it since. ...

One of Three Raven at Blenheim (c) TS+Crossbill 10No sign of any Hawfinch (per The Wickster & Terry Sherlock)...

- Woodstock 19th October
woodstock stratford bridge 14 Common Crossbill: flew off towards blenheim park. SP188443. Paul Willis...

- Blenheim Park 19th October
Mandarin 4 (2m) on the small pools near the Coombe Gate entrance in to Blenheim Park. (per The Wickster & Peter Law)...

